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Chapel Candles – Coloured

Product Ref: wm-106

Price from: £0.70£4.00

The Chapel Candles Coloured size is in mm, the first figure is the height, the second figure the diameter. The figure in brackets is the burning time in a draught free situation. The Candles are available as follows;-
In packs of 12 – 50/35 (4 hrs), Red, White, Blue.  
Individually – 135/40 (18 hrs), Red, Blue.  165/40 (22 hrs), Red, Blue.  75/50 (14 hrs), Red, White, Blue.
115/50 (22 hrs),  Red, White, Blue, Purple, Burgungy .  165/50 (35 hrs), Red, White, Purple.  215/50 (44 hrs),  White, Blue, Purple. 120/60 (34 hrs),  Red, Purple.
165/60 (49 hrs),  Red, Purple, Burgundy.  215/60 (50 hrs), Purple. 150/70 (50 hrs), White. 175/70 (65 hrs),  Red, Purple, Burgundy.  215/70 (70 hrs), Red, Burgundy.  180/80 (75 hrs),  White.
The Chapel Candle Coloured  Reference is the candle size eg 115/50 followed by the colour.

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